5 Reasons Why Your Elderly Parents Need Long-Term Care

5 Reasons Why Your Elderly Parents Need Long-Term Care

Growth is inevitable when it comes to humans. You will grow old someday to see your teeth break, skin wrinkle, and memory hamper. 

But for your elderly parents, there are a few unparalleled signs that you need to take notice of before it gets too late for them to seek long-term care:

  1. Disorderliness:

Losing their keys, forgetting to flush the toilet, switching on the gas without using the lighter, forgetting where they kept their phones last, leaving the lights on, and many more such instances. They all point toward disorganization in the lives of your elderly parents. With growing age, the size of the brain reduces, and disorganization sets in the lives of the elderly. 

  1. Poor hygienic conditions:

Apart from disorganization, laziness also sets in. Unbrushed teeth, uncombed hair, unbathed body, and stinking clothes in the dryer are all the signs of your elderly parents. Lack of awareness of personal hygiene is a symptom of dementia (memory loss). 

  1. Aggressive behavior:

Your family members end up worrying about your elderly parents bursting out every chance they get. The aggression of any kind, be it verbal, physical, or sexual, sets in as a result of dementia, forgetfulness, and helplessness in the elderly. 

  1. Age-related diseases:

It’s not easy to live up to the age of 50 and have no disease whatsoever. In women, after menopause sets in, you get exposure to heart as well as bone diseases. In men, hypertension, and diabetes take over due to work pressure. These disorders are not gender-specific, but they are age-specific. Diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke, and paralysis of the elderly need medical support as well as constant monitoring. 

  1. Driving disturbances:

The easiest way to check an elderly is through his/her driving style. Confusion while driving can not only cause havoc in your elderly parent’s mind but also in your life. Long-term care ensures the assessment of mobility, gait, balance, coordination, and muscular strength of your elderly parents.

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