Your old parents have a heart of their own.
In your adulthood, you concentrate on who-hurt-me more than who-did-I-hurt. It’s the same with your elderly parents. For your parents, you will never grow up. But for you, this fact is obnoxious, and you revolt in reciprocation. It is a revolt that results in taunts, bickering, and disrespect towards your growing old parents.
Here are four such ways in which you hurt your dear parents:
- You forget they are growing old.
One of the surest ways of hurting your parents is neglecting the fact that they are growing old too. You have your mid-20s or mid-life crisis to deal with, but you forget that your parents are growing old.
- You don’t offer them your help.
Every single day of your elderly parents’ lives is a struggle to survive. In this struggle, they want your support, love, and care to thrive in the world. If you don’t offer them your help, then where will your old parents go for help?
- You disregard their feelings.
Your old parents are as sensitive as you are.
They have a heart that gets hurt too. If you say no to meeting with, seeing, or calling, then your parents are bound to get hurt as you are disregarding their precious feelings. You forget the fact that you were born into this world because of them.
- You mess up your life.
You took a few decisions in your life without keeping your elderly parents informed. These decisions have brought you to a halt where everything seems horrible. Somehow you have messed up your life. Nobody on this planet earth is hurt to see you like this more than your elderly parents.
Your parents are not going to be a part of your forever; you need to respect, love, and care for your growing old parents.